Statement on Technical Consultative Meeting of the Darfur Permanent Ceasefire Committee
UNITAMS will convene today and tomorrow a technical consultative meeting of the Permanent Ceasefire Committee of the Darfur Permanent Ceasefire and Final Security Arrangement of the Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan. The meeting will discuss the implementation modalities of the Permanent Ceasefire Committee and its subsidiary mechanisms, and will include participants who are members of these entities (military and security officials, armed movement signatories), as well other stakeholders including representatives from the Transitional Government of Sudan, and from Darfur including the Regional Governor, Walis of Darfur States and their representatives, women’s protection networks and other civil society representatives.
UNITAMS is convening this first meeting in its capacity as Chair of the Permanent Ceasefire Committee. This is part of UNITAMS continued efforts to support the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement and Sudan’s national priorities, in line with UNITAMS’ mandate as per United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2524 (2020) and 2579 (2021). Further consultations will take place in Darfur.
UNITAMS, in collaboration with relevant partners including the Government of Sudan, the signatories of the Juba Agreement and local partners, is committed to supporting peacebuilding efforts and advancing Sudan’s political transition in line with these Security Council resolutions.